
Member since ‎Jun 13, 2023
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Navroop Mitter

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navroop on July 05, 2023
Hi, We've successfully installed the Hubspot plugin for our wordperss site. We have multiple "Schedule a Demo" buttons on our site and wanted to leverage the new CTA (beta) to display a contact form on click. We created the Form in HubSpot a read more
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9 Replies
June 05, 2024
Can you post the screenshots from your Wordpress setup? The parts I posted. Sometimes it's a minor issue there.
navroop on May 30, 2024
I'd like to provide feedback that specifically to support website plugins there should be a "technical" class of user that enables website forms integration that does not have access to other Hubspot functionality and does not count towards read more
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navroop on November 27, 2023
TL;DR -- we need to be able to @mention contacts in LinkedIn posts when posting from personal LinkedIn accounts via Hubspot. -- While Hubspot has recently enabled the tagging of Company Page followers in LinkedIn posts from the Company Page, Execu read more
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navroop on July 05, 2023
Hi, We've successfully installed the Hubspot plugin for our wordperss site. We have multiple "Schedule a Demo" buttons on our site and wanted to leverage the new CTA (beta) to display a contact form on click. We created the Form in HubSpot a read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
June 05, 2024
Can you post the screenshots from your Wordpress setup? The parts I posted. Sometimes it's a minor issue there.
navroop on July 20, 2023
Hi, Back with new forms questions. We currently have a Self Assessment / Questionnaire Widget that presents a series of 3 Sections of 3 Questions each and provides scoring for each section along the way as well as a final composite scoring. read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
July 22, 2023
You rock! Looked up an example of how that function has been used by others and it sounds like more than enough of a starting point. Thank you!
navroop on July 20, 2023
Hi, Back with new forms questions. We currently have a Self Assessment / Questionnaire Widget that presents a series of 3 Sections of 3 Questions each and provides scoring for each section along the way as well as a final composite scoring. read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
July 22, 2023
You rock! Looked up an example of how that function has been used by others and it sounds like more than enough of a starting point. Thank you!
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