
Member since ‎Jun 13, 2023
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Olha Vakuliuk

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OVakuliuk on September 24, 2024
Hi! Does sombody know is there a way to rotate calls between hubspot users and at the same time forward them to the user's cell phone number? As I understand when you do it directly with hubspot you can't rotate and forward at the same time read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
OVakuliuk on September 10, 2024
Hi! Did someone had such an issue when was sending cold emails from Hubspot sequences? We had a super low unsubscribe and bounce rates, emails are cleaned, mailboxes are set up properly, warming up tool shows that all mailboxes work properly an read more
September 10, 2024
Thank you, but as I said, we have issues with sequences (sales emails), not marketing ones.
OVakuliuk on September 10, 2024
Hi! Did someone had such an issue when was sending cold emails from Hubspot sequences? We had a super low unsubscribe and bounce rates, emails are cleaned, mailboxes are set up properly, warming up tool shows that all mailboxes work properly an read more
September 10, 2024
Thank you, but as I said, we have issues with sequences (sales emails), not marketing ones.
OVakuliuk on September 03, 2024
Hope you could help me So we are literally searching for more than a month for a good service with good integration with hubspot to send ringless voicemails and still have hubspot number in it. (like a hosted one) Maybe any of you had the s read more
0 upvote
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natedame on February 10, 2021
It would be amazing to have task-based workflows! We have various things generating tasks - especially sequences. Task queues don't solve every problem - and many situations are more nuanced. As a result, tasks have become more cumbersome to m read more
66 Replies
September 18, 2023
6 years and still not done? It's actually a really needed one. Please update tasks
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