
Member since ‎Apr 3, 2018
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Fia Gosling

Obsessed with tech that makes our lives easier, in a complicated relationship with the sea. Fascinated by human behaviours, proud woman in tech. #LGBT Always taking photos of other peoples dogs (not sorry).


fifibonbebe on September 13, 2018
PLEASE HELP! ADVICE NEEDED! PUPPY GIF PROVIDED. I'm a little stuck and need some wonderful advice from my Hubspot crew to help match up actual monthly revenue against company records. I am looking into work arounds, but someone must have the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
September 13, 2018
Excellent use of puppy GIF Frank - thank you! When I was looking into this it looked like the Zapier integration trigger only offered this off a more
fifibonbebe on September 13, 2018
PLEASE HELP! ADVICE NEEDED! PUPPY GIF PROVIDED. I'm a little stuck and need some wonderful advice from my Hubspot crew to help match up actual monthly revenue against company records. I am looking into work arounds, but someone must have the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
September 13, 2018
Excellent use of puppy GIF Frank - thank you! When I was looking into this it looked like the Zapier integration trigger only offered this off a more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
When we have tasks that require collaboration, or even perhaps meetings to define job roles or other action items associated with those tasks, it would be nice to be able to export the tasks in single cut sheets, but also, it would be nice to expor read more
62 Replies
July 19, 2018
We would love this to - helps us to review and cover other peoples tasks when they go on holiday or are out for illness in the team etc.
FionaCK on June 06, 2018
Hello, does anyone have a 'best practice' recommendation for classifying client contacts when the company becomes an ex-client? What do we do with the lifecycle stage? How do others record an ex-client in HubSpot? Appreciate any advice. thanks, Fion read more
9 Replies
July 12, 2018
Hi Phil, I have been looking into this too, within my business we offer a PAYG model with a 12 month pricing agreement and so have some legacy more
CoachAaronCCR on July 11, 2017
Would love the ability from within at least the Sales side of things to automatically map/populate Deal Properties from a Contact's properties. We came over from Salesforce where this could be done in conversion, and this is definitely an area we mi read more
June 28, 2018
MFJ Labs has it right on the money - I need to be able to look at deals by source so that I can easily generate revenue reports based on a custom more
vinnypoliseno on May 25, 2017
Right now I have 24 users who are using HubSpot Sales Pro extensively the Meetings feature. It would be nice to have an Admin view to see all the Meetings that are created for my whole organization or broken into teams. To get around this I've c read more
60 Replies
June 28, 2018
Love this idea! I was about to post the same - really need a way that we can create set meeting types and standard meeting forms so that we can set more
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