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BryanRonnex on Junho 20, 2017
When I am sending templates/sequences, it takes too much time to find the ones I am currently using because all the old ones fill the options for 'recent templates' despite the fact that i havent used them in a while. Can you create an archiv Leia mais
40 avaliações positivas
16 Respostas
Setembro 13, 2019
I'd like to be able to archive Templates and Sequences so they can no longer be sent/enrolled, but I'd still have access to their performance data. F...Leia mais
aadame on Novembro 21, 2017
filters/sequences Is there a way I can look up contacts that I own that are on a particular sequence? or can I filter sequences to show only contacts that i own? I would like to know where my contact are in a particular sequence or be able to so Leia mais
192 avaliações positivas
55 Respostas
Julho 25, 2019
The inability to filter contacts by whether they've been in a specific sequence, or even to exclude them from being enrolled in a sequence they were ...Leia mais
Blink on Abril 10, 2018
I enrolled a number of contacts in a sequence that included an incomplete template as the third step. I didn't have all of the necessary details for that template at the time but wanted to get the sequence running. I thought I'd be able to edit th Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Abril 25, 2018
Thanks for confirming that. Overall sequence performance was miserable. Rethinking the sequence now for another round.
Blink on Abril 10, 2018
I enrolled a number of contacts in a sequence that included an incomplete template as the third step. I didn't have all of the necessary details for that template at the time but wanted to get the sequence running. I thought I'd be able to edit th Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Abril 25, 2018
Thanks for confirming that. Overall sequence performance was miserable. Rethinking the sequence now for another round.
Blink on Março 29, 2018
Template Sharing is currently an all-or-nothing proposition. In my organization, it would be helpful to be able to select which reps I share a template with since not all offers are available in all regions.
1 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Abril 05, 2018
Yeah. It tried that. Had to submit a ticket because after posting my original concerns here, I was locked out of posting in all forums. At least t...Leia mais
Blink on Março 29, 2018
Template Sharing is currently an all-or-nothing proposition. In my organization, it would be helpful to be able to select which reps I share a template with since not all offers are available in all regions.
1 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Abril 05, 2018
Yeah. It tried that. Had to submit a ticket because after posting my original concerns here, I was locked out of posting in all forums. At least t...Leia mais
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