
Mitglied seit ‎Mär 28, 2017
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sjudson on März 21, 2017
Perhaps the most important question to success with the HubSpot CRM. Our most successful CRM users start by getting their contacts into CRM. So, how should you go about importing your contacts? And, what else should you consider before importing? Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
April 28, 2017
I successfully imported over 600 contacts. It went pretty well. Yes the only two options you see in the top-left are Sales or Marketing. But follo...Beitrag ansehen
sjudson on März 21, 2017
Perhaps the most important question to success with the HubSpot CRM. Our most successful CRM users start by getting their contacts into CRM. So, how should you go about importing your contacts? And, what else should you consider before importing? Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
April 28, 2017
I successfully imported over 600 contacts. It went pretty well. Yes the only two options you see in the top-left are Sales or Marketing. But follo...Beitrag ansehen
sjudson on März 21, 2017
I’m a Customer Experience Manager at HubSpot focused on the CRM tools. Over the past 8 months, I’ve delivered over 120 webinars to new users and customers of the HubSpot Sales products. This one comes up often and it’s a very important question Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
April 10, 2017
I'm cleaning up my CSV to prepare to upload my Contacts. What is the Status field for? I've watched a bunch of tutorials and it is never mentioned? ...Beitrag ansehen
sjudson on März 21, 2017
Perhaps the most important question to success with the HubSpot CRM. Our most successful CRM users start by getting their contacts into CRM. So, how should you go about importing your contacts? And, what else should you consider before importing? Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
April 28, 2017
I successfully imported over 600 contacts. It went pretty well. Yes the only two options you see in the top-left are Sales or Marketing. But follo...Beitrag ansehen
roisinkirby on Oktober 20, 2016
Welcome to the HubSpot Community! For a full list of current members of the Community team, check out Who's who on the HubSpot Community . This community has been designed for YOU the HubSpot customer to ask questions, find answers and e Beitrag ansehen
4165 Antworten
März 28, 2017
Hello. I have used CRM for over 25 years. The 1st was built-in to my 2nd Mac (A Quadra). The 2nd I made myself with Filemaker. (And I am NOT a progr...Beitrag ansehen
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