
Member since ‎Jun 10, 2023
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nychd on January 09, 2024
Is it possible to create a embeddable CTA that contains a video with a form at the end? I don't see the option like I do when looking at a video on a landing page. Am I just missing something? Thanks!
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5 Replies
January 10, 2024
Not a text CTA, but one that has a video embedded in it. My end goal is to have a video that appears on our home page that, when played to the end, more
nychd on January 09, 2024
Is it possible to create a embeddable CTA that contains a video with a form at the end? I don't see the option like I do when looking at a video on a landing page. Am I just missing something? Thanks!
0 upvote
5 Replies
January 10, 2024
Not a text CTA, but one that has a video embedded in it. My end goal is to have a video that appears on our home page that, when played to the end, more
nychd on January 09, 2024
Is it possible to create a embeddable CTA that contains a video with a form at the end? I don't see the option like I do when looking at a video on a landing page. Am I just missing something? Thanks!
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5 Replies
January 10, 2024
Not a text CTA, but one that has a video embedded in it. My end goal is to have a video that appears on our home page that, when played to the end, more
nychd on November 28, 2023
I'm trying to figure out a way to embed a calendly calender in a CTA that shows up after a video plays. Is there a way to do that? It won't let me paste the javascript into a rich text field since its a script. Can't create a custom module and a read more
nychd on November 13, 2023
Hi folks, I'm trying to understand how to enroll a contact in a workflow using JSON. What is the most up to date way to do it? Every link I click seems to take me to another version of the API. Thanks!
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2 Replies
November 13, 2023
I just solved the issue I was having - I was using the wrong workflow ID. It's not the ID found in the URL like it is with contacts This is the more
imarquez on July 06, 2022
Hi - We're trying to create a custom job that enrolls a specific customer based on checks we do. Im trying to call this specific api but im always getting read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
November 13, 2023
Thank you for sharing this! I was doing the same thing and you solved my problem for me.
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