
Member since ‎Jun 10, 2023
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Dan Irwin

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Hdanirwin1 on August 28, 2024
Hi Folks, Is there a way to limit the "Last Touch" and "Last Engagement" fields on the Target Account page so they only show data regarding outreach from certian teams? A lot of times the last touch is a support ticket and that's not valueabl read more
1 upvote
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Hdanirwin1 on August 28, 2024
Hey folks! If I switch off "Allow all users to track emails and see recipient opens," will it still preserve any historical data? Just want to confirm. So if/when anyone changes their mind the only data lost is from the period it was d read more
nychd on November 07, 2023
Hi Folks, Is there a way to insert a token into a link in a marketing email? I'd like to pass the Hubspot ID of the person along for tracking purposes. Thanks!
November 07, 2023
yes, but I'd like to share the data with the site the link sends them to in bulk. That way I can match up their activity in one tool with activity more
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