
Member since ‎Jun 9, 2023
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Cassandra Hitchcock

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CHitchcock on July 18, 2023
It would be helpful to have the ability to sort deals by company, deal name, and then session dates (ascending or descending) so you can see what you have booked and what is missing for each company. We are able to do it in reports but you are read more
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Tracy127 on September 26, 2017
We'd like to be able to disable a form after a certain number of submissions.
161 Replies
July 18, 2023
My group would find this form option extremely helpful when sending out registrations or invites for our client events.
CHitchcock on June 09, 2023
We would love to be able to pull data into a report where each row is a rolling 12-month period (i.e., February 2023 thru January 2024, next row would be March 2023 thru February 2024, etc.) with 2 columns - 1st column for the Total Sum of Dollars a read more
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