
Member since ‎Mar 28, 2017
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AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
It would be nice if CRM tasks would be assignable to multiple people. Right now it can be assigned to one person only.
82 Replies
August 28, 2017
This function would be an important part of our workflow. Assigning tasks to a team would give our users an important comfort level to begin using more
Barry on March 08, 2017
Is it possible to create reocurring tasks, such Ticklers? I like to set-up ticklers to contact certain customers on a regular basis. Is this possible in Hubspot? Barry
236 Replies
July 11, 2017
I agree, recurring tasks would be a great feature and would encourage more people within my company to use the tasks in HS.
tomak on December 02, 2016
There is no option to set the "Log to CRM" option to unchecked/off as default value when creating a new email in Outlook. This can easily cause users to mistakenly add confidential business partners to the Hubspot CRM contact list, if they are not v read more
March 28, 2017
This is a critical issue for our company as well. Please implement this ASAP. Thanks.
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