
Member since ‎Mar 30, 2018
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Kate Tarrillion

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June 24, 2024
Not helpful if you had a qr code directly to the form, such as an entry form for an event like we did. People can continue to enter the drawing. more
KateElizabeth on July 18, 2023
Provide option of e-signature or print and sign on quotes. Is there a reason that when we send quotes, that the salesperson has to choose whether or not the customer has to choose to e-sign or print and sign? I wonder if it'd be possible for the sal read more
KateElizabeth on June 16, 2022
It would be helpful for the forms to have an option in the form itself, to choose wheter or not the form(s) submissions will create contact records. Currently, I believe it is a global setting having the acct admin choose either all or none. Thanks! read more
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KateElizabeth on June 16, 2022
It would be helpful for the forms to have an option in the form itself, to choose wheter or not the form(s) submissions will create contact records. Currently, I believe it is a global setting having the acct admin choose either all or none. Thanks! read more
June 16, 2022
YES please:) I've been meaning to post this idea for a year lol! For example, it'd be great if I upload a lead list from a trade show, and can more
March 15, 2021
One reason I can come up with is as far as my company is concerened, is that if, for example, a customer clicks on an email, and maybe then attends more
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