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Andrea Weir

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Siddall on Juni 22, 2017
We have a lot of very nice "This Quarter", "Last Quarter", "Next Quarter" filter functionality in HubSpot CRM....buuuuut, if your Company's Fiscal Year is not the same as the Calendar Year (as many are not), this "Quarter" filter functionality is no Beitrag ansehen
170 Antworten
Oktober 03, 2019
Any update on this functionality? This is very much needed.
Babel_Gem on Juni 21, 2017
I'm not sure whether others find this as frustrating (or even know that it happens!) but we regularly find in our own portal and with clients that if you send a sales email using the Outlook or Gmail integration, 'log to CRM' and CC someone who is n Beitrag ansehen
September 26, 2019
This is ABSOLUTELY necessary. The lack of ability to turn off this automatic creation of contacts creates multiple issues in CRM and makes it nearly ...Beitrag ansehen
AndreaWeir on März 28, 2018
A lot of our reporting is made very difficult by the fact that when someone is revrted to a previous lifecycle stage, HubSpot automatically deletes the value for the property "Became x Lifecycle Stage Date" for the further along the funnel stage. Beitrag ansehen
18 Antworten
Juli 25, 2019
Thanks for your response Alyssa - this is so interesting! You described my issue at Plum to a t. What we ended up doing after this post was crea...Beitrag ansehen
mfinocchiaro on März 03, 2017
We have software data sheets in the File Manager that we link to on our site for customer download. We need to have the ability to track how many times these pdfs are downloaded for viewing, as well as being able to see what web pages these linked d Beitrag ansehen
163 Antworten
Januar 23, 2019
Agreed. Marketing files in the file manager should have the exact same tracking and analysis capabilities as sales documents.
DiegoPI on Juni 11, 2018
It would be great to be able to change the default meeting reminder email or meeting booked email when creating a scheduling page. The minor customization allowed in the form of additional unformtted text is not enough. It would also be great to be Beitrag ansehen
344 Antworten
Januar 08, 2019
Yes, this needs to be implemented. Contacts are also sometimes confused because we don't have the ability to insert key info into the confirmation em...Beitrag ansehen
RiccardoPisani on März 12, 2018
hi there HubSpotters If you connect a piece of content to a HubSpot campaign : - it will be unplugged form other campaigns - it will bring with him all the old stats and connect them to the campaign you just created Would be great t Beitrag ansehen
49 Antworten
Dezember 04, 2018
Yes. This is a much needed feature. Some of my campaigns are pain point or use case based; some are channel based. It makes no sense that an asset ca...Beitrag ansehen
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