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Louise Privett

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LPrivett on September 13, 2024
I have created a Health Score for all of our companies. I can see the history health scores of any individual company. I can report on the *changes* to the health scores of each company. I want to report the *average* health score of all companies, Beitrag ansehen
September 16, 2024
Hi Jessica, It's a custom property yes, a Hubspot-calculated score. I can see the history of it on an individual company by finding the property...Beitrag ansehen
LPrivett on September 13, 2024
I have created a Health Score for all of our companies. I can see the history health scores of any individual company. I can report on the *changes* to the health scores of each company. I want to report the *average* health score of all companies, Beitrag ansehen
September 16, 2024
Hi Jessica, It's a custom property yes, a Hubspot-calculated score. I can see the history of it on an individual company by finding the property...Beitrag ansehen
04534 on Mai 17, 2024
We have to have list membership as a filter in single object reports! Companies
Juli 24, 2024
I've tried this today and I can't find 'list membership' in the filter options?
khughes on April 03, 2017
Hi HubSpot, Right now there is no way to change the date format on date properties in personalization on e-mails. The date property will always display in US format (mm/dd/yyyy). These dates can be very confusing and mislead europeans customers who Beitrag ansehen
58 Antworten
Juni 21, 2024
Yes please do this - it's a very surprising and disappointing blind spot in this product. We have customers in the US and UK and currently I can't ea...Beitrag ansehen
JoeDavies on September 24, 2021
As the ARR & MRR reporting is based around these properties, which are calculated via the Line Items, it's essential for accurate reporting that it be possible to make adding them to Deals mandatory. I've worked with a few organisations where t Beitrag ansehen
Mai 09, 2024
Essential for us as we use line items to calculate ARR
Peterson on Februar 24, 2020
It would be great to export the data that you see in the history tab of the workflows, including dates of contact enrollment, meets the goal, finishes the workflow, who has errors, etc.
51 Antworten
November 03, 2023
I see this idea has been around for a while and still isn't sorted. I can see the list of people at each stage of a workflow, can get the list on the...Beitrag ansehen
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