
Member since ‎Mar 23, 2018
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Mo Hall

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nicoled on September 13, 2021
It would be helpful to have the option to share a full data set/ list when sending a dashoard via email instead of it being cut off. It is quicker and easier for my team to see the full data set within an email versus having to click into hubspot to read more
9 Replies
December 19, 2023
Agreed. This would be a game changer for folks on phones (and on the app, if applicable)
mohall on October 18, 2023
Does anyone have best practices to share on conducting an A/B test optimally with recipients all over the world? Local, time zone-based sends aren't permitted on A/B tests but I don't want to execute sends that would land during off hours. I ima read more
October 19, 2023
Thank you, @karstenkoehler . This makes perfect sense. I appreciate the reply! Best, Mo
mohall on October 18, 2023
Does anyone have best practices to share on conducting an A/B test optimally with recipients all over the world? Local, time zone-based sends aren't permitted on A/B tests but I don't want to execute sends that would land during off hours. I ima read more
October 19, 2023
Thank you, @karstenkoehler . This makes perfect sense. I appreciate the reply! Best, Mo
mohall on May 09, 2023
Could anyone help with determining how/why the conversion rate on a form would be higher than 100%? For example: 10 views/15 submissions Are the extra submissions in this example unknown/uncookied prospects that Hubspot doesn't know about so read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
May 10, 2023
Tom, thank you--makes perfect sense. Where in the contact record would that warning appear?
mohall on May 09, 2023
Could anyone help with determining how/why the conversion rate on a form would be higher than 100%? For example: 10 views/15 submissions Are the extra submissions in this example unknown/uncookied prospects that Hubspot doesn't know about so read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
May 10, 2023
Tom, thank you--makes perfect sense. Where in the contact record would that warning appear?
DigiAl on May 22, 2018
Given we were waiting for Hubspot to update their GDPR functionality, we went ahead and ran our permission pass campaign a few weeks ago to collect consent. We've ended up with a static list of about 300 people who have consented. Now Hubspo read more
12 Replies
May 24, 2018
This article on running a permission pass campaign might be helpful, particularly with regard to list creation: more
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