
Member since ‎Mar 22, 2018
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Bruce Yerman

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bruceayerman on December 30, 2018
I'm creating schema for my website using Schema App. Schema App lets users automatically deploy schema generated in its editor to defined url's in multiple ways, one of which involves javascript generated with an API key unique to my Schema App ac read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 31, 2018
Thank you, Isaac! Schema App was able to deploy the javascript by embedding the javascript directly into the sitewide footer, rather than more
bruceayerman on December 30, 2018
I'm creating schema for my website using Schema App. Schema App lets users automatically deploy schema generated in its editor to defined url's in multiple ways, one of which involves javascript generated with an API key unique to my Schema App ac read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 31, 2018
Thank you, Isaac! Schema App was able to deploy the javascript by embedding the javascript directly into the sitewide footer, rather than more
bruceayerman on December 30, 2018
I'm creating schema for my website using Schema App. Schema App lets users automatically deploy schema generated in its editor to defined url's in multiple ways, one of which involves javascript generated with an API key unique to my Schema App ac read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 31, 2018
Thank you, Isaac! Schema App was able to deploy the javascript by embedding the javascript directly into the sitewide footer, rather than more
bruceayerman on December 30, 2018
I'm creating schema for my website using Schema App. Schema App lets users automatically deploy schema generated in its editor to defined url's in multiple ways, one of which involves javascript generated with an API key unique to my Schema App ac read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 31, 2018
Thank you, Isaac! Schema App was able to deploy the javascript by embedding the javascript directly into the sitewide footer, rather than more
BrianDunn on February 13, 2017
My idea is to grant users the ability to set-up "structured data" on blog posts to help with SEO. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of read more
80 Replies
August 21, 2018
Thank you, Jon! Best, Bruce
BrianDunn on February 13, 2017
My idea is to grant users the ability to set-up "structured data" on blog posts to help with SEO. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of read more
80 Replies
August 21, 2018
Thank you, Jon! Best, Bruce
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