
Member since ‎May 29, 2023
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Shruti Rathi

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shrutirathi on August 16, 2023
Hello, I have requirement where I have a form in a modal window and after user submit that form, I want to show inline thank you message to the user and also need to automatically download the pdf. At present I am using a custom module and added read more
shrutirathi on August 10, 2023
Hello, I have a requirement, to show a thank message and also download a file from another server, on form submission. At present I have created a module in hubspot that display a form in a modal window. To download a file from another server I ha read more
August 11, 2023
Hello , thank you @coldrickjack for your response. Can you suggest if there is any possiblity that we could show an inline thank you page and more
shrutirathi on August 10, 2023
Hello, I have a requirement, to show a thank message and also download a file from another server, on form submission. At present I have created a module in hubspot that display a form in a modal window. To download a file from another server I ha read more
August 11, 2023
Hello , thank you @coldrickjack for your response. Can you suggest if there is any possiblity that we could show an inline thank you page and more
shrutirathi on July 24, 2023
hello, I have created a module in hubspot to open a modal window on click of a CTA image. My requirement is the CTA should be sticky. But modal window is greying up the whole window and form inside it inaccessible. It works perfectly fine when I read more
July 26, 2023
Hello albertsg, thank you for your reply. My problem is solved, I have appended the modal window to body via js, so that comes under same stacking more
shrutirathi on July 24, 2023
hello, I have created a module in hubspot to open a modal window on click of a CTA image. My requirement is the CTA should be sticky. But modal window is greying up the whole window and form inside it inaccessible. It works perfectly fine when I read more
July 26, 2023
Hello albertsg, thank you for your reply. My problem is solved, I have appended the modal window to body via js, so that comes under same stacking more
shrutirathi on June 19, 2023
Hello, I have created a sample header and footer for our revised blog design. I have a requirement for the same. It is to open a popup box on click of a button. It seemed to work from creating a sample page in hubspot. I had created a page added a read more
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July 04, 2023
Hello Anton, Thank you so much for your response. This solution is working great. But unfortunately the form is not working. I have tried to add more
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