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Member since ‎Mar 27, 2017
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Crystal Hopper

When I look back on my career I notice a pattern: I have a habit of becoming a factotum. I join a company and perform very specific job functions for a time. However, it doesn't take me long to integrate myself with the many teams and people who are also employed at the company. I always find ways to bring people, teams, processes, policies--and even software--together in order to better everyone's day-to-day work life. It might take awhile, but eventually I grow and shift my position in the company to a point where I am at the center of a hub. I surround myself with people who are interested in growing and shifting the company to new heights. I create my own network of support and together we strive to make our company the very best it can be. | Specialties: Knowing that Multitasking is not real, creating communication bridges between groups of people, documenting tribal knowledge, seeing ecosystems between people and technology, growing organic food and raising twins. | Talents according to Gallup StrengthsFinder 2.0: Adaptability, Developer, Maximizer, Relator, Empathy | MBTI Personality Type: INFP


Crystal_Hopper on November 27, 2024
I just built a new campaign for 2025 and made 3 Tracking URLs from within the campaign. But in previewing them, only the Source URL is visible. Yes, they all go to the same place, but the parameters are different and I have no way to tell the read more
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DBoroi5 on November 26, 2024
Does anyone have any clear steps on how to migrate podcast from Captivate to Hubspot, following the download and import of all audio files from Captivate into Hubspot.
1 upvote
2 Replies
Key Advisor
November 27, 2024
Hi @DBoroi5 ! Are you on Content HubSpot Pro and trying to use the Podcast app within Content Hub? I do not currently have this feature but more
Crystal_Hopper on November 06, 2024
I built a new step-by-step form using the new editor. When I call that form into a page, and set the section background color, you realize the form has a transparent background. I cannot find a way to set the background color on the new forms. read more
Key Advisor
November 11, 2024
@PamCotton do you know who might be able to speak to this? Thank you!
Gotcha on November 07, 2024
Is this snip a complete and accurate report of everything these people logged in HubSpot? Is there any chance, there are calls, emails, notes etc that would show here? My only salesperson is towards the bottom, while my service coordinator is almos read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
Key Advisor
November 07, 2024
Yeah, tough. Is there any other documentation you could check? Do you ask your sales reps to keep any other logs or documents of their work? more
Gotcha on November 07, 2024
Is this snip a complete and accurate report of everything these people logged in HubSpot? Is there any chance, there are calls, emails, notes etc that would show here? My only salesperson is towards the bottom, while my service coordinator is almos read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
Key Advisor
November 07, 2024
Yeah, tough. Is there any other documentation you could check? Do you ask your sales reps to keep any other logs or documents of their work? more
skblase on November 07, 2024
I'm trying to create a to-do list in an email template where the list has checkmark boxes. Some will be checked and some will not. The receipant is not going to check the boxes, they are only for show. I tried copying and pasting them from a wo read more
Key Advisor
November 07, 2024
Hi @skblase ! Are you using a PC? I'm not sure if this works on Mac. If you press Start and the Period key on a PC, a glyphs box pops up. more
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