
Member since ‎May 25, 2023
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Andrea Steppuhn

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EParzek on January 05, 2022
I've created workflows based on a custom object and am now finding I can't include it in a campaign as an asset. Really need to be able to do this, please!
2 Replies
July 26, 2024
Same thing here! Would be great if we could include custom object workflows to campaigns assets. Seems like an easy thing to be able o enable, since more
DanFromCF on November 17, 2021
We have LinkedIn lead syncing turned on and are getting this error message: The fields don't line up properly because it's single line text in LinkedIn and dropdown select in HubSpot. Nevertheless the fields are mapped by default and ca read more
7 Replies
April 12, 2024
Well glad to know, I'm not the only one facing this limitation alone. It's such a shame the limitation for that 1 field. There should be a less more
AChan4 on March 26, 2021
At the moment permissions on Forms is a simple on/off toggle. Whilst turning this off provides a lot more control to the admin team on forms being created/edited by other team-members, it also takes away a lot of functionalities related to forms for read more
April 02, 2024
This would be great to have please! In most other marketing permissions, we are able to select if we only want those users to be able to view only a more
Andy_S4 on July 12, 2023
Currently when we create a workflow for a form and we allow contacts to be able able to re-enroll there is no option for contacts to be able to re-enroll, but only after a set amount of time has passed.
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