
Member since ‎May 25, 2023
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fierceweek on July 13, 2023
I'm trying to organize an ever growing list of reports and would like to remove unused ones. Is there any way to pull reports ON reports or dashboards (last viewed, last updated, total views, etc) either within Hubspot or the API? I'd be thrilled if read more
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5 Replies
July 13, 2023
I'm trying to gauge which reports are still being used and which ones could be merged into a single report with filters by user/team. Seems like more
fierceweek on July 13, 2023
I'm trying to organize an ever growing list of reports and would like to remove unused ones. Is there any way to pull reports ON reports or dashboards (last viewed, last updated, total views, etc) either within Hubspot or the API? I'd be thrilled if read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
July 13, 2023
I'm trying to gauge which reports are still being used and which ones could be merged into a single report with filters by user/team. Seems like more
fierceweek on July 11, 2023
I'm looking for a way to build a report that can filter forms by last submission date. I was seeing comments that there is a "Forms" page under Analytics Tools but I'm not seeing it - Has it been moved under something else? Is there a way to accompl read more
6 Replies
July 12, 2023
THAT was really helpful! I was using the form totals default report but it doesn't save by ascending order. It's really weird that it doesn't let me more
fierceweek on July 11, 2023
I'm planning a clean up of old workflows that haven't had enrollments in over a year. I'm thinking that this can be accomplished by using a filter on "LAST ACTION ON". Is this the best way or are there other ways? I'd also like to build a repo read more
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1 Reply
fierceweek on July 11, 2023
I'm looking for a way to build a report that can filter forms by last submission date. I was seeing comments that there is a "Forms" page under Analytics Tools but I'm not seeing it - Has it been moved under something else? Is there a way to accompl read more
6 Replies
July 12, 2023
THAT was really helpful! I was using the form totals default report but it doesn't save by ascending order. It's really weird that it doesn't let me more
fierceweek on July 11, 2023
I'm looking for a way to build a report that can filter forms by last submission date. I was seeing comments that there is a "Forms" page under Analytics Tools but I'm not seeing it - Has it been moved under something else? Is there a way to accompl read more
6 Replies
July 12, 2023
THAT was really helpful! I was using the form totals default report but it doesn't save by ascending order. It's really weird that it doesn't let me more
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