
Member since ‎May 23, 2023
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Tina Ferraro

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TFerraro on September 13, 2023
My users routinely search on a handful of properties in Deals. My "Most Used Properties" now includes the ones I frequently search on. Is there a way I can instruct users to manually add a property to their "Most Used Properties"? Or does this on read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
DCL on May 15, 2017
Hubspot Team, Would be great to be able to clone Deal Pipelines or have Deal Pipeline templates as many of our pipelines are similar and now we are manually reacreating pipelines that are simlar or identiacal to other pipeleines. Thanks, read more
108 Replies
June 29, 2023
I don't need to clone a pipeline, just a Deal. We repeat work for our customers every year or three years, depending on the description. Would be more
TFerraro on June 28, 2023
We imported data from previous CRM to HubSpot and the Close Dates are off by one day. We have Deals with a close date of 5/1/23 and they imported as 4/30/23. Everything else looks good.
0 upvote
2 Replies
June 29, 2023
It was the time stamp that was throwing the date off by one day. Thank you.
TFerraro on June 29, 2023
We created a property in Deals that shows who is working on the estimate for a Deal, which frequently can be a different person from the Deal Owner - hence the separte field. When an Estimator leaves the company I'd like to not have them show o read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
June 29, 2023
Thanks for offering an option. However, based on your reply, that hiding them is not possible, I think rather than moving them to a separate more
TFerraro on June 29, 2023
We created a property in Deals that shows who is working on the estimate for a Deal, which frequently can be a different person from the Deal Owner - hence the separte field. When an Estimator leaves the company I'd like to not have them show o read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
June 29, 2023
Thanks for offering an option. However, based on your reply, that hiding them is not possible, I think rather than moving them to a separate more
TFerraro on June 28, 2023
We imported data from previous CRM to HubSpot and the Close Dates are off by one day. We have Deals with a close date of 5/1/23 and they imported as 4/30/23. Everything else looks good.
0 upvote
2 Replies
June 29, 2023
It was the time stamp that was throwing the date off by one day. Thank you.
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