
Member since ‎Mar 27, 2017
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Kim_GP on July 24, 2017
When you create a deal, there is a default close date (end of current month). Every month, we have to postpone the close date of our deals to the next month. In our industry, the time to close is more around 80 to 90 days. The deal forecast w read more
140 Replies
June 25, 2019
@tomas212 Sadly unless a request is about a way that @hubspot can make more money in developing a new component that has a subscription model then more
Kim_GP on July 24, 2017
When you create a deal, there is a default close date (end of current month). Every month, we have to postpone the close date of our deals to the next month. In our industry, the time to close is more around 80 to 90 days. The deal forecast w read more
140 Replies
June 25, 2019
@tomas212 Sadly unless a request is about a way that @hubspot can make more money in developing a new component that has a subscription model then more
Kim_GP on July 24, 2017
When you create a deal, there is a default close date (end of current month). Every month, we have to postpone the close date of our deals to the next month. In our industry, the time to close is more around 80 to 90 days. The deal forecast w read more
140 Replies
June 25, 2019
@tomas212 Sadly unless a request is about a way that @hubspot can make more money in developing a new component that has a subscription model then more
Grovewilks on August 02, 2017
Could somebody advise on the Hubspot policy in relation GDPR that will be hitting us in May 2018. How will Hubspot manage opt-in and refresh of opt-in? How will Hubspot manage the relevant questions to allow someobody to opt-in or download web read more
50 Replies
May 13, 2018
*sigh* Like so many on here we all understand that you are working on it. You have made a page telling us what you are doing. Thats lovely. more
Kim_GP on July 24, 2017
When you create a deal, there is a default close date (end of current month). Every month, we have to postpone the close date of our deals to the next month. In our industry, the time to close is more around 80 to 90 days. The deal forecast w read more
140 Replies
June 25, 2019
@tomas212 Sadly unless a request is about a way that @hubspot can make more money in developing a new component that has a subscription model then more
TrucksByGlen on February 08, 2018
I am laboriously switching over from Zoho to Hubspot -- something told me I should have started here, but that's for a different conversation. While I have all kinds of ideas and wishlist items, right now I want to export all my contacts, make chang read more
1 upvote
11 Replies
February 12, 2018
@Bryce Thats the exact same question i asked Hubspot support the other day when I realised i'd duplicated all of my contacts by not exporting the more
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