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Sharad Bhandari

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ESwierc on November 27, 2023
I would like to seach in the Contacts > companies search bar using an unformatted phone number. Currently, only a formatted telephone number will return a search result. E.g. 61412345678 won't return a result for a company with the following tel Beitrag ansehen
November 28, 2024
bsharad on Oktober 14, 2024
Hello there, i have encountered some unusual issues on my integration module with Calling app. the integration does not work for specific account, while other account integration seems perfect. What might be the issues
1 Antwort
bsharad on November 20, 2023
Hello Everyone, i hope everything is doing great!. I got in to a situation with HubSpot api call. If a user uninstall or disconnect integration from third party app side, it still have installed app in HubSpot and user continues to have calling or Beitrag ansehen
bsharad on Juli 07, 2023
Hola Amigos, i found unusual behaviour of hubspot custom properties. i want to make my custom property unique, couple of times i hit the api using hasUniqueValue = True , but still it respond with false , is there anyone, who have done it correctl Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Juli 10, 2023
Thank you Mike for your reply, The SS you are seeing above is taken from postman, I don't think lower case will work there.In documentation, i found ...Beitrag ansehen
bsharad on Juli 07, 2023
Hola Amigos, i found unusual behaviour of hubspot custom properties. i want to make my custom property unique, couple of times i hit the api using hasUniqueValue = True , but still it respond with false , is there anyone, who have done it correctl Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Juli 10, 2023
Thank you Mike for your reply, The SS you are seeing above is taken from postman, I don't think lower case will work there.In documentation, i found ...Beitrag ansehen
troystaylor on Juni 18, 2021
I'm getting a 400 error when trying to POST a new engagement. Here's the request: { "properties": { "engagement": { "active": true, "type": "NOTE" }, "metadata": "{\"body\": \"note body\"}" } } Here's the Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Juli 03, 2023
According to developer docs, it was listed SimplePublicObjectInputForCreate will do the job, but i don't think that is available. Did you find any ri...Beitrag ansehen
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