
Member since ‎May 17, 2023
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Melissa Hennessey

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JWersal on June 18, 2021
We would find it helpful if we could view open tasks for our entire team (easy) and then sort those tasks by Association. We associate tasks with either a Contact or Company. If we could sort by Association, we could see at a glance everything that read more
6 Replies
July 09, 2024
Can't believe we can't sort task columns by association, alphabetically, etc.
hroberts on July 23, 2019
While the Meetings tool offers the ability to send contacts reminder emails for meetings they book with the user, there is currently nowhere to configure reminder emails for meetings that are booked directly through the CRM by the user. From @Sama read more
63 Replies
September 12, 2023
How is this still not a thing? We need an update.
StaceyM on April 27, 2017
I work in a team spread across 4 different time zones. It would be helpful if each of us could have our local time zone associated with our HS profile and that would carry through when I'm scheduling activities or assigning tasks.
225 Replies
May 17, 2023
How is this not fixed yet? Really frustrating for my clients that have reps in more than one timezone. Just commenting to echo everything everyone more
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