
Membro desde ‎mai 16, 2023
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Michelle Roberts

Coming from a 20 year stint as a clerk and then regulator at the State of Florida (Petroleum cleanup), I tripped over a bump in the carpet and fell into the glorious world of CRMs. I absolutely fell in love with them. I geek out every time i get to talk about them! I am currently transitioning our team from the Salesforce realm into HubSpot, have attended a few sessions during WCW '23 and am excited to learn more. I cannot wait to get certified. In my off time, I enjoy talking to and nurturing my garden, spending time with friends and working on genealogy. I also have the joy and pleasure of making the sun, moon and stars rise every single day and night for my furry little boy, Lewis.


mstrebor on Maio 16, 2023
Hi, I've just joined up and my company is going through the onboarding process, switching from Salesforcet to HubSpot. I think it would be great if (as the Admin) we could create a Learning Path specific to my team, instead of a broad sweep of infor Leia mais
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