
Member since ‎Mar 14, 2018
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Matthew Orr

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HubspotUser12 on September 19, 2018
We have big problems to notice when a visitor is chatting with us, the sound is not enough at all, and notifications are not enough. We suggest to use another way to notify, maybe a native software app to manage chats, I don't know, but we are m read more
77 Replies
August 11, 2021
I'm already blue in the face. We ultimately could not wait any longer and had to move to a different chat tool. Unfortuantely, we lost the more
VoIPTools on July 09, 2021
I gave up on HubSpot's live chat feature because they don't see the importance of playing a notification "ring" until someone answers the chat request. I found a great free chat program that can send transcripts to a central email address. The read more
July 12, 2021
It only offers an email address. It does not specifically offer an option for sending/including a BCC.
VoIPTools on July 09, 2021
I gave up on HubSpot's live chat feature because they don't see the importance of playing a notification "ring" until someone answers the chat request. I found a great free chat program that can send transcripts to a central email address. The read more
July 12, 2021
It only offers an email address. It does not specifically offer an option for sending/including a BCC.
VoIPTools on December 08, 2020
Do you think your phone should ring once? No, you want it to ring until someone answers the call. So, wouldn't you want a new chat notification to ring until someone answers the chat? I get notifications from Teams, and my softphone, and email read more
0 Reply
HubspotUser12 on September 19, 2018
We have big problems to notice when a visitor is chatting with us, the sound is not enough at all, and notifications are not enough. We suggest to use another way to notify, maybe a native software app to manage chats, I don't know, but we are m read more
77 Replies
August 11, 2021
I'm already blue in the face. We ultimately could not wait any longer and had to move to a different chat tool. Unfortuantely, we lost the more
HubspotUser12 on September 19, 2018
We have big problems to notice when a visitor is chatting with us, the sound is not enough at all, and notifications are not enough. We suggest to use another way to notify, maybe a native software app to manage chats, I don't know, but we are m read more
77 Replies
August 11, 2021
I'm already blue in the face. We ultimately could not wait any longer and had to move to a different chat tool. Unfortuantely, we lost the more
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