
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎May 12, 2023
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Silvia Casanova

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SilviaCasanova on March 18, 2024
Hi Community, I have set up a signature for one of my Inboxes, but I would like to show or not show a part of it based on a property of the contact I am writing to. Does anyone know of a way to create conditional signatures? Thanks in ad read more
JGray30 on February 26, 2024
I have created a form, which will be sent to all our resellers. This form will be used repeatedly. I have been testing it and it worked once only. It created my contact and then its respective deal. I then used the same form, from the same email read more
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Member | Diamond Partner
February 26, 2024
Hi @JGray30 , Have you considered the idea of creating a workflow, the trigger of which is the filling in of that form, that would create the more
MWalton1 on July 26, 2022
Is there a way to set up keywords for the system to scan for? I'd want it to work like this; if a ticket comes in and has one of those keywords it gets put into a category.
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Member | Diamond Partner
February 26, 2024
Hi @MWalton1 , I don't know if you have already found a solution to your problem, but in case you haven't, I would like to suggest the use of more
SilviaCasanova on February 21, 2024
I recently encountered a challenge regarding email notifications for large data exports in HubSpot and wanted to share a potential improvement idea with all of you. Currently, HubSpot sends notifications only to the person who initiates a large data read more
CSic on May 04, 2023
I wanted to see if anyone has found a resolution for format data function in workflows, using add time to a date property, where the date property is set to M-F only? We have full enterprise account. Ex: My workflow sets "entered action needed" read more
Member | Diamond Partner
February 20, 2024
Hi @CSic , I would like to propose to you an app we have developed, the objective of which is to solve the issue of business days more
KatieBeeley on December 18, 2023
Hi there, We are just starting to investigate the use and helpfulness of the sales velocity report/dashboard. Does anyone know if the days (Avg. days to close) are calculated using working days or calendar days? Thanks, Katie
Member | Diamond Partner
February 14, 2024
Hi @KatieBeeley , I know you already solved your thread, but I'm still answering since I think this content could be useful to your goals. more
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