
Member since ‎Mar 12, 2018
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Steinar Slåtten

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LOBrien on November 02, 2021
Currently, if a meeting is booked through the meeting tool in HS, it will be associated with a contact and placed in the Sales Reps Outlook (or Gmail) Calendar. However, if the meeting is cancelled and the Sales Rep removes the meeting from their Ou read more
25 Replies
January 16, 2024
The current workaround I'm using is to solve it by creating a new "Last date meeting booked"-property, and a workflow that fills it out. Create more
LOBrien on November 02, 2021
Currently, if a meeting is booked through the meeting tool in HS, it will be associated with a contact and placed in the Sales Reps Outlook (or Gmail) Calendar. However, if the meeting is cancelled and the Sales Rep removes the meeting from their Ou read more
25 Replies
January 16, 2024
The current workaround I'm using is to solve it by creating a new "Last date meeting booked"-property, and a workflow that fills it out. Create more
cfleishman on August 31, 2017
Need to be able to clone an individual deal. This is helpful for recurring revenue organizations and building MRR. Please! Update from @JoeMayall : Due to a technical error on HubSpot’s end, this thread has an inflated upvote count. As of read more
574 Replies
April 13, 2023
+ to being able to clone a deal. Our usecase is often that we have a large deal that we want to split into several smaller deals. It is very tedious more
SamanthaA on September 04, 2020
It would be excellent to have the ability to report on a "time between" calculated property that permits the exclusion of weekends or certain dates and times. For example, for the HubSpot default ticket property "Time to close," it would be ideal to read more
April 12, 2023
+1 to this. Weekends are destroying our team's statistics, and there aren't any usable workarounds available.
liangsj on September 07, 2020
Hi Team (Submitting on behalf of Customer), Currently, for line graphs, we can add a monthly report goal but when I select bar or column chart, I can't add a point/line for a monthly report. Is it possible to have that for them too?
4 Replies
January 13, 2023
+1 to this. Was surprised to see that the report tool didn't have an option to just "add a monthly goal" as a simple line.
kevmckay on April 16, 2019
I am suggesting that it should be possible to edit the "Entered Stage X" dates in deals. If a rep falls behind in tracking their deals through the appropriate stages it would be great if it was possible to change the date to the actual closed-won d read more
31 Replies
November 01, 2022
Bumping this, extremely annoying for monthly reports etc when reps are one day too late.
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