
Member since ‎Mar 9, 2018
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Shawn Eliav

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seliav on June 02, 2020
I need to view different fields of users in different lists, depending on how that list is used. For example, with leads, I'd want to be able to quickly view and sort for different fields than I would with customers. There are a few combinations of read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 02, 2020
That's good to know. Thanks Josh. Still think it'd be helpful if that were true for lists as well!
seliav on June 02, 2020
I need to view different fields of users in different lists, depending on how that list is used. For example, with leads, I'd want to be able to quickly view and sort for different fields than I would with customers. There are a few combinations of read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 02, 2020
That's good to know. Thanks Josh. Still think it'd be helpful if that were true for lists as well!
seliav on August 08, 2019
I'd like to be able to disabled enrollment for future users while still allowing users currently active to complete the workflow. The only way to do this right now is to remove all enrollment triggers, but I don't want to do that because then I don' read more
3 Replies
seliav on July 08, 2019
On a contact's timeline, Marketing Email activity is shown with the subject line of the email. I can identify an email much more easily from it's internal title than from the subject line, especially since we sometimes reuse subject lines for differ read more
seliav on March 09, 2018
Hi, It'd be really helpful if If/Then branches could be based on more than one case. For example, if I want to send a specific email to a contact based a property value, and there are 5 property options, this requires 4 If/then branches. Would b read more
11 Replies
March 28, 2018
Another thought to add - the above scenario could be address by smart content, but I want to report on the different variations of the email more
seliav on March 09, 2018
Hi, It'd be really helpful if If/Then branches could be based on more than one case. For example, if I want to send a specific email to a contact based a property value, and there are 5 property options, this requires 4 If/then branches. Would b read more
11 Replies
March 28, 2018
Another thought to add - the above scenario could be address by smart content, but I want to report on the different variations of the email more
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