
Member since ‎May 4, 2023
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Adriana Sanchez Gomez

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NBleicher on January 29, 2021
It would be a great feature upgrade to be able to block off an afternoon or a full day on an ad hoc basis. Currently I need to go and adjust my standing calendar availability if I have a doctor's appointment or if I'm taking a personal day. It could read more
8 Replies
November 02, 2023
I was looking to reduce the window of availability to my clients but not to my team. "For example i am open to my team m-f 9-5; but to my clients, more
ASanchezGomez on September 28, 2023
When creating a campaign I have made my email template, Ihave tested. ready to send out to my list. created a list with the parameters i need for clients. go tho the walk trhough tutorial and it tells me I need to link receipient list, However, li read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 03, 2023
Yes, i do Understand that the "person" is to be contacted/emailed, -- i just did not realize there was a submenu there. so I did not see the deal more
ASanchezGomez on September 28, 2023
When creating a campaign I have made my email template, Ihave tested. ready to send out to my list. created a list with the parameters i need for clients. go tho the walk trhough tutorial and it tells me I need to link receipient list, However, li read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 03, 2023
Yes, i do Understand that the "person" is to be contacted/emailed, -- i just did not realize there was a submenu there. so I did not see the deal more
ASanchezGomez on September 28, 2023
When creating a campaign I have made my email template, Ihave tested. ready to send out to my list. created a list with the parameters i need for clients. go tho the walk trhough tutorial and it tells me I need to link receipient list, However, li read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 03, 2023
Yes, i do Understand that the "person" is to be contacted/emailed, -- i just did not realize there was a submenu there. so I did not see the deal more
ASanchezGomez on September 28, 2023
When creating a campaign I have made my email template, Ihave tested. ready to send out to my list. created a list with the parameters i need for clients. go tho the walk trhough tutorial and it tells me I need to link receipient list, However, li read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 03, 2023
Yes, i do Understand that the "person" is to be contacted/emailed, -- i just did not realize there was a submenu there. so I did not see the deal more
PDentonD22 on December 10, 2019
It'd be fab if HubSpot had the option for a night/dark mode to improve the UI. Did my eyes in working in the Chatflow tool all day (with blue-light blocking glasses!)
212 Replies
May 04, 2023
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