
HubSpot Product Team
Member since ‎Mar 7, 2018
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Mel Özkul

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BNelson on September 22, 2020
We need to be able to view which sales rep has shared which document. Having this to report up to our Exec team is huge. We want to see who is using them the most. It would be similar to the meeting reports where you can see how many meetings they h read more
10 Replies
HubSpot Product Team
September 06, 2021
Hey @Manoncptn ! As per this Knowledge Base article, the Sales Content Analysis feature should be available to Sales Starter, Professional, and more
LiamAT on June 11, 2020
It would be awesome if it was possible to have an automatic logging pop up through the mobile app once a person has called you and then the call has ended.
7 Replies
HubSpot Product Team
April 19, 2021
Hey @DSchwalb - will message you directly about this.
LiamAT on June 11, 2020
It would be awesome if it was possible to have an automatic logging pop up through the mobile app once a person has called you and then the call has ended.
7 Replies
HubSpot Product Team
April 19, 2021
Hey @DSchwalb - will message you directly about this.
realizeit on January 25, 2018
I'd like to set a default (in the Settings area of Sales/CRM) so that my Task List is the first thing I see when I log in. In fact, the Settings area should be updated so that you can pick the page type you want to start with (maybe other folks don' read more
5 Replies
HubSpot Product Team
February 12, 2021
Hi all! It's possible to change the default home page for a specific account to whatever HubSpot tool you would like - including the Tasks page. more
BNelson on September 22, 2020
We need to be able to view which sales rep has shared which document. Having this to report up to our Exec team is huge. We want to see who is using them the most. It would be similar to the meeting reports where you can see how many meetings they h read more
10 Replies
HubSpot Product Team
September 06, 2021
Hey @Manoncptn ! As per this Knowledge Base article, the Sales Content Analysis feature should be available to Sales Starter, Professional, and more
BNelson on September 22, 2020
We need to be able to view which sales rep has shared which document. Having this to report up to our Exec team is huge. We want to see who is using them the most. It would be similar to the meeting reports where you can see how many meetings they h read more
10 Replies
HubSpot Product Team
September 06, 2021
Hey @Manoncptn ! As per this Knowledge Base article, the Sales Content Analysis feature should be available to Sales Starter, Professional, and more
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