
Member since ‎May 2, 2023
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KJoy3 on September 05, 2024
The ability to automatically send a "receipt" of a form submission back to the submitter would be a lifesaver. Right now we have a multi-branched workflow in place, to send people back the information in they submitted in their form. It's a hassle t read more
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July 24, 2024
That did the trick!! Thank you so much Karsten! I really appreciate you workshopping this with me.
July 24, 2024
Hi Karsten! While the formula doesn't show any errors, testing doesn't yield any dates. Any suggestions?
July 24, 2024
Thank Karsten! I managed to get the formula working for each frquency selection individually but I am unsure how to link them together into one long more
KJoy3 on July 23, 2024
Hi All! I am look to create a custom function on a date property that mimics a formula I have used in Excel. The Excel formula is IF (cell1 ="Annual",( cell 2+365),(cell2 +90) ). Essentially, I have a "Frequency" property whose dropdown i read more
KJoy3 on January 26, 2024
I am running into an issue when I try to create an email with personalization tokens for both a specific set of deals and the related company/contact information for those deals. Here is an example of the email I'd like to send: Dear {Account N read more
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