
Mitglied seit ‎Mär 6, 2018
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Sarah Borden

Sarah Borden is the Relationship Marketing Manager for Hausera, a new kind of online kitchen and bath shopping experience designed to empower homeowners and design pros with a curated shopping experience. Sarah joined Hausera in September 2017 and leads direct, content, and social marketing. Prior to joining Hausera, Sarah served as the marketing technology expert at Bader Rutter, a full-service B2B advertising agency based in Milwaukee, WI. During her tenure at the agency, Sarah managed marketing automation strategy and lead generation efforts across several large clients. Before Bader Rutter, Sarah served as the channel marketing manager for a large regional bank focusing on direct marketing and retail promotion from 2005-2011. Sarah earned her bachelor’s degree in marketing from Carroll University, and earned her master’s degree in business administration from the Lubar School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 8 votes. The leadflows that exist were great however it would be fantastic if certain people could see certain leadflows from the same page i.e. a marketing qualifed lead would see a "Download this gu Beitrag ansehen
38 Antworten
Juni 27, 2018
I would also love to see targeting capabilities for the lead flows tool. On a very basic level, we would like the ability to target lead flows to new...Beitrag ansehen
hvy_weight on Februar 07, 2018
In our marketing emails, our call-to-action is to ask our prospect to call us. However, Hubspot does not provide the Hubspot Owner's phone field to be merged into the email template. This requires that a separate email and workflow for each sales re Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
März 06, 2018
I completely agree. We would also like to use HubSpot Owner Phone Number as a personalization token in emails and landing pages for our contacts.
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