
Member since ‎Mar 5, 2018
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Kristian Voldrich

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MAemisegger on August 18, 2021
When creating a follow up the default follow up text is "Follow up with <firstname><lastname>". Can this be a setting to change it to a preferred format for the individual?
1 upvote
1 Reply
July 13, 2022
This should be a standard setting; just like you have "signatures" which are pre-defined by an existing template. Please let sales reps customize more
mikeabowles on May 10, 2017
It would be valuable to have a filter (or "view") on the task page that allows me to focus just on the tasks that I have not assigned to a specific task queue. There is a way to look at each task queue individually, but not the tasks that are read more
43 Replies
November 15, 2021
Yes, please sign me up for the beta!
mikeabowles on May 10, 2017
It would be valuable to have a filter (or "view") on the task page that allows me to focus just on the tasks that I have not assigned to a specific task queue. There is a way to look at each task queue individually, but not the tasks that are read more
43 Replies
November 15, 2021
Yes, please sign me up for the beta!
mikeabowles on May 10, 2017
It would be valuable to have a filter (or "view") on the task page that allows me to focus just on the tasks that I have not assigned to a specific task queue. There is a way to look at each task queue individually, but not the tasks that are read more
43 Replies
November 15, 2021
Yes, please sign me up for the beta!
Thomas_Vanguard on September 18, 2017
When creating a Task as part of a Workflow it would be useful to be able to associate that task to a Deal.
27 Replies
March 05, 2018
Please implement this feature! It eliminates manual work & double work (of having to access the deal & work from there).
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