
Miembro desde ‎abr 27, 2023
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Angela Górniak

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nina en Marzo 10, 2017
We have a pretty big sales team and we require them to respond to leads quickly to them being received. If a lead sits without a response for more than 15 minutes we are not doing our work the way we would like. We use a handful of workflows to dist Leer más
203 Me gusta
94 Respuestas
Junio 13, 2023
That would be great to have it!
Arne en Abril 27, 2019
We have quite a number of workflows in HubSpot that classify, notify, assign tasks and owners. If such users are out of office, processes get stuck in the dead end waiting for the users to eg come back from vacation. We are using rotation in some c Leer más
Junio 13, 2023
That would be great to have it!
AGórniak en May 25, 2023
That would be great to have a possibility to search emails by used category/label. For example if I received an email and I marked it with category user/ bugs/ password or whatever, I would like to filter out all emails labeled as 'bugs', the sa Leer más
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