
Member since ‎Mar 23, 2017
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Wschutt on August 14, 2017
It would be extremely helpful to our team to be able to enroll contacts at specific points in a workflow. It's been difficult for us to create work-arounds in order to do this, especially in workflows where many If/Then branches are needed. For exa read more
28 Replies
August 25, 2017
100% agree with this Idea. I have spent a lot of time duplicating and recreating workflows for enrolment at certain stages.
elisabet on July 05, 2017
I am having an issue trying to figure out how to create a text only (Link (No Style)) CTA that looks exactly like a regular hyperlink in an email. Everything that I create looks obviously out of place and won’t wrap like normal text. The entire phr read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
July 24, 2017
Hi Nicole, I suppose it was ingrained in me that anything linking to a webinar, event or piece of content should have a CTA. If that is not the more
elisabet on July 12, 2017
I am looking for a way to include hyperlinks in a contact property. In context, this is for the opt-in field for CASL compliance. Is this possible? Example: o * By submitting this form, you are granting PHEMI Systems, 180-887 Great Northern W read more
2 Replies
July 21, 2017
Hi @roisinkirby , thanks for following up with me. Yes, it's a HubSpot form. I tried looking into styling the form to add the hyperlink and couldn' more
elisabet on July 12, 2017
I am looking for a way to include hyperlinks in a contact property. In context, this is for the opt-in field for CASL compliance. Is this possible? Example: o * By submitting this form, you are granting PHEMI Systems, 180-887 Great Northern W read more
2 Replies
July 21, 2017
Hi @roisinkirby , thanks for following up with me. Yes, it's a HubSpot form. I tried looking into styling the form to add the hyperlink and couldn' more
elisabet on July 05, 2017
I am having an issue trying to figure out how to create a text only (Link (No Style)) CTA that looks exactly like a regular hyperlink in an email. Everything that I create looks obviously out of place and won’t wrap like normal text. The entire phr read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
July 24, 2017
Hi Nicole, I suppose it was ingrained in me that anything linking to a webinar, event or piece of content should have a CTA. If that is not the more
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