
Member since ‎Mar 23, 2017
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kembe on June 23, 2022
I recently downgraded my account from salespro to free and I have a few templates "Stuck" in sequences which I can't delete as the templates say they are attached to a sequence, which I can't delete, as I can't access the sequences area anymore. read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
June 27, 2022
Hi @kvlschaefer thank you very much. That solved it.
kembe on June 23, 2022
I recently downgraded my account from salespro to free and I have a few templates "Stuck" in sequences which I can't delete as the templates say they are attached to a sequence, which I can't delete, as I can't access the sequences area anymore. read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
June 27, 2022
Hi @kvlschaefer thank you very much. That solved it.
kembe on June 23, 2022
I recently downgraded my account from salespro to free and I have a few templates "Stuck" in sequences which I can't delete as the templates say they are attached to a sequence, which I can't delete, as I can't access the sequences area anymore. read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
June 27, 2022
Hi @kvlschaefer thank you very much. That solved it.
kembe on March 23, 2017
I am trying to set up the calling feature and the system will not accept my phone number. No error message or anything, but when I enter the number and hit Register, it just sits there.
0 upvote
19 Replies
March 28, 2017
Hi @roisinkirby , initially I just never tested at again, but since I received your message I tried it and it went through! Thanks for checking in, more
kembe on March 23, 2017
I am trying to set up the calling feature and the system will not accept my phone number. No error message or anything, but when I enter the number and hit Register, it just sits there.
0 upvote
19 Replies
March 28, 2017
Hi @roisinkirby , initially I just never tested at again, but since I received your message I tried it and it went through! Thanks for checking in, more
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