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Jeff Pairis

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Chris_from_So1 on Oktober 13, 2017
Currently only link attachments from the Hubspot data base are supported for marketing mails. Sometimes it would be more appropriate to sent the content already with the mail such that users can access all mail after mail sync without being online. Beitrag ansehen
145 Antworten
Januar 08, 2024
+1 to this
JPairis on November 28, 2023
Hi Community, I was wondering how you all fixed the following. We've connected HubSpot with Gmail in the Settings-General-Email. This enables sending emails with your Gmail as the Sender, But if the recipient replies to use Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 01, 2023
Sorry, I will elaborate. Our ideal scenario would be that all of our customers would contact the generic Sales inbox ( sales@org ) connected to Hu...Beitrag ansehen
JPairis on November 28, 2023
Hi Community, I was wondering how you all fixed the following. We've connected HubSpot with Gmail in the Settings-General-Email. This enables sending emails with your Gmail as the Sender, But if the recipient replies to use Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 01, 2023
Sorry, I will elaborate. Our ideal scenario would be that all of our customers would contact the generic Sales inbox ( sales@org ) connected to Hu...Beitrag ansehen
JPairis on November 28, 2023
Hi Community, I was wondering how you all fixed the following. We've connected HubSpot with Gmail in the Settings-General-Email. This enables sending emails with your Gmail as the Sender, But if the recipient replies to use Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 01, 2023
Sorry, I will elaborate. Our ideal scenario would be that all of our customers would contact the generic Sales inbox ( sales@org ) connected to Hu...Beitrag ansehen
JPairis on November 28, 2023
Hi Community, I was wondering how you all fixed the following. We've connected HubSpot with Gmail in the Settings-General-Email. This enables sending emails with your Gmail as the Sender, But if the recipient replies to use Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 01, 2023
Sorry, I will elaborate. Our ideal scenario would be that all of our customers would contact the generic Sales inbox ( sales@org ) connected to Hu...Beitrag ansehen
JPairis on Oktober 30, 2023
Hi HubSpot team, I recently had contact with one of your agents where we'd discovered that currently everyone with a HubSpot account can change the global default values of the email Personalization Tokens. Obviously this is a very poor de Beitrag ansehen
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