
Member since ‎Apr 20, 2023
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Christopher McGuicken

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CMcGuicken on June 16, 2023
Hey folks, Is there anyway to on mass tick contacts in a sequnce tha they have been contacted at the stage in sequence which is on hold until LinkedIn connection? I can do it manutallly, but it sgoing to take up a lot of time. I'd ratehr t read more
lgibbons on December 15, 2020
Our team uses Microsoft Sways for presentations, but when you use the visual link for a sway in HubSpot, it doesn't pase in the same way it does into outlook (kind of breaks and doesn't look good enough to send). It would be great if we could cr read more
June 08, 2023
Any news on this??
MEllis1 on December 06, 2021
Hi! I'm wondering if anoyone else has experienced this issue. I created my email signature in Wisestamp and am trying to connect it to hubspot using the HTML. It shows up normal in the preview screen, but for some reason Hubspot won't let me save it read more
May 24, 2023
I'm having a problem whereby the html email saves on the Hubspot platform....but when I go to make and email or change the email settings - the html more
CMcGuicken on May 23, 2023
Hi folks, I have an issue with hubspot. When I add my HTML email, I'm seeing a perfect preview and a saved icon. However, when I go to email out, the signature is blank. When I go into the email signature area again, the code I applied is not sav read more
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3 Replies
May 24, 2023
Thanks - no issues with the unsupported tags - the system checks those anyway. Cleared cache and issue still remains.
CMcGuicken on May 24, 2023
Hi folks, I have a problem with Hubspot, when i add a HTML email signature into the Hubspot section for this - it works perfectly in the preview, when I save it I get confijration. Bu t when I go to add my signature in an email in hubspot, m read more
CMcGuicken on May 23, 2023
Hi folks, I have an issue with hubspot. When I add my HTML email, I'm seeing a perfect preview and a saved icon. However, when I go to email out, the signature is blank. When I go into the email signature area again, the code I applied is not sav read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
May 24, 2023
Thanks - no issues with the unsupported tags - the system checks those anyway. Cleared cache and issue still remains.
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