
Member since ‎Feb 27, 2018
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Michael Dohnalik

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JoseHan on February 28, 2018
Workflows is the most powerful and arguably most important tool in HubSpot. It'd be amazing if HubSpot can implement more advanced logic options and expand its abilities as in its current state is pretty limited and hasn't seen drastic/significant c read more
April 03, 2018
@JoseHan replied t the following threads so as not to hijack this thread. more
abockler on April 07, 2017
I would love to see HubSpot freeze the header row in the Contacts view. If I have 100 contacts in my view, and I'm selecting 3 contacts down the list, I have to scroll up to the top to Assign or Edit these contacts. I would love if the header read more
48 Replies
March 27, 2018
Seriously, how can anyone tell the difference between two date columns (or any like properties for that matter) once the column header is off the more
JoseHan on February 28, 2018
Workflows is the most powerful and arguably most important tool in HubSpot. It'd be amazing if HubSpot can implement more advanced logic options and expand its abilities as in its current state is pretty limited and hasn't seen drastic/significant c read more
April 03, 2018
@JoseHan replied t the following threads so as not to hijack this thread. more
amarstaller on November 30, 2016
I export the form submissions we've received each day...the same data points each time. It would be great if you could build an automated export that was emailed to a specified email once every 24 hours.
25 Replies
March 27, 2018
Another thumbs up. Seems like a perfect fit for HubSpot's existing Workflows.
PVerstraeten on February 16, 2017
Can you achieve the automated export and distribution of specific contact lists to specific internal company contacts?
12 Replies
March 15, 2018
Yes! Really disappointed that this isn't built in.
AndyPitre on April 03, 2017
Sales people use Outlook, period. And because that's what they use, that's where the information should be at. Best way to achieve this would be via Exchange integration so that people would have access to the same information even on their mobile read more
March 02, 2018
" Sales people use Outlook, period. And because that's what they use, that's where the information should be at. Best way to achieve this would be more
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