
Member since ‎Apr 14, 2023
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Sandi Kasinski

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SKasinski on May 16, 2023
I have set multiple pipeline automations so the status auto-updates when a customer replies. I also have found an issue. When the ticket contact (not owner) receives an email, even if the email is not affiliated with the ticket or any contacts relat read more
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2 Replies
May 17, 2023
Hi Mia, This is setup under the Data Management > Objects > Tickets > Pipelines > Automate: (your standard functionality is more
SKasinski on May 16, 2023
I have set multiple pipeline automations so the status auto-updates when a customer replies. I also have found an issue. When the ticket contact (not owner) receives an email, even if the email is not affiliated with the ticket or any contacts relat read more
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2 Replies
May 17, 2023
Hi Mia, This is setup under the Data Management > Objects > Tickets > Pipelines > Automate: (your standard functionality is more
SKasinski on May 11, 2023
When working in the Service side of the system and there is a need to extract/export ticket data you are either restricted to the fields on the view or all fields. We need the ability to be able to select what properties to include in the export. Th read more
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susanmartin2006 on August 06, 2020
HubSpot REALLY needs a "print view" setup for Ticket. This would REALLY help for equipment that's dropped off for repair - print the ticket to match with the equipment!
16 Replies
April 14, 2023
This is a HUGE audit issue and for SoX compliance for public companies is essential PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make this happen!
PeggyLau on March 29, 2021
It will be great to have the duplicate function for the ticket to be do the efficient work. It taks time to create differnt tickets for different requests from the same company / deal / contact.
5 Replies
April 14, 2023
Agreed, it would be very handy for repetitive tasks
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