
Member since ‎Apr 12, 2023
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Edgar Diaz

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EDiaz6 on October 23, 2023
In a Workflow, I'm trying to get all the contacts with an email account as an example to see how it works, however, I'm getting this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'makeRequestContext') he read more
October 25, 2023
Awesome! whou rocks? you rock!! Thanks a lot!! now I can finally move on 😄
EDiaz6 on October 23, 2023
In a Workflow, I'm trying to get all the contacts with an email account as an example to see how it works, however, I'm getting this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'makeRequestContext') he read more
October 25, 2023
Awesome! whou rocks? you rock!! Thanks a lot!! now I can finally move on 😄
EDiaz6 on October 23, 2023
In a Workflow, I'm trying to get all the contacts with an email account as an example to see how it works, however, I'm getting this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'makeRequestContext') he read more
October 25, 2023
Awesome! whou rocks? you rock!! Thanks a lot!! now I can finally move on 😄
MrBean on August 11, 2023
So this dropout/funnel reports for deals is phenomenal. My feedback is threefold: 1. The table below the visualization should also be able to be added to the dashboard (it's time in stage values are great). 2. We should be able to apply m read more
4 Replies
October 11, 2023
Yeah, also I just got a request to be able to see the deals that reached a certain stage and monitor their progress in a monthly basis, problem is, more
EDiaz6 on May 25, 2023
Hi Everyone! I'm attempting to use webhooks in HubSpot to integrate an app called Clickwrap, it has the capacity to send webhooks, while checking the documentation here , All I see is that HubSpo read more
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