
Member since ‎Apr 10, 2023
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Tamara Trammell

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TTram on December 02, 2024
Hi, We have a secondary field besides the campagin member status in Salesforce that we would like to use in reporting & workflows. Is there a way to map this addtional custom camapgin field in Hubspot and use in workflows to update that f read more
TTram on November 12, 2024
Hi, Is there a way to sync the Primary Campaign Source field from the opportunity into the HubSpot deal? If I create a custom field what field type is needed for the 2 fields to sync? Thanks
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2 Replies
November 18, 2024
Hi, Thank you. The problem is that the Salesforce field is a reference field that changes when a new campaign is added, so how do you keep updating more
TTram on November 12, 2024
Hi, Is there a way to sync the Primary Campaign Source field from the opportunity into the HubSpot deal? If I create a custom field what field type is needed for the 2 fields to sync? Thanks
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2 Replies
November 18, 2024
Hi, Thank you. The problem is that the Salesforce field is a reference field that changes when a new campaign is added, so how do you keep updating more
TTram on April 15, 2024
Hi, I have been given javScript code to add to a landing page that should create a live agent button. I follwed the steps to create a javascript file, but nothing apperars on the landing page when added. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but n read more
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7 Replies
April 18, 2024
I do see errors in the console. Does that mean the scriprt will not work for the landing page module?
TTram on April 15, 2024
Hi, I have been given javScript code to add to a landing page that should create a live agent button. I follwed the steps to create a javascript file, but nothing apperars on the landing page when added. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but n read more
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7 Replies
April 18, 2024
I do see errors in the console. Does that mean the scriprt will not work for the landing page module?
TTram on April 15, 2024
Hi, I have been given javScript code to add to a landing page that should create a live agent button. I follwed the steps to create a javascript file, but nothing apperars on the landing page when added. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but n read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
April 18, 2024
I do see errors in the console. Does that mean the scriprt will not work for the landing page module?
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