
Member since ‎Apr 7, 2023
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plau on June 21, 2019
At the moment it's not possible to insert tables in the drag and drop email editor. Even if we paste table HTML in the source code, it gets stripped away when we save it. Current workarounds include: Add a screenshot of the table instead: read more
98 Replies
November 04, 2024
Over 5 years later... come on, HubSpot.
JennLarsen on December 20, 2019
It would be useful if you were able to select the Hubspot Owner as a Field on a Form. In certain situations, you want to assign specific leads to a particular user based on the form that is submitted. I know that you can do it in a workflow, but whe read more
21 Replies
June 13, 2024
Upvoting this capability! In two weeks, we have an event during which salespeople need to collect information to create contacts that need to more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
It would be nice if CRM tasks would be assignable to multiple people. Right now it can be assigned to one person only.
82 Replies
July 21, 2023
We'd love to have this feature!! We have an Operations team comprised of 3 individuals. Each person shares the workload and completes tasks as they more
plau on June 21, 2019
At the moment it's not possible to insert tables in the drag and drop email editor. Even if we paste table HTML in the source code, it gets stripped away when we save it. Current workarounds include: Add a screenshot of the table instead: read more
98 Replies
November 04, 2024
Over 5 years later... come on, HubSpot.
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