
Member since ‎Apr 3, 2023
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Andrii Krushelnytskyi

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akrus on January 30, 2024
Hey We are thinking of a way to optimize our follow-up workflow for specific type of forms(the ones on demo pages). The thing is that we don't want to add every newly created "demo" form to the workflow trigger, as it happens quite often, and we mi read more
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3 Replies
January 30, 2024
It's brilliant! Thanks a lot
akrus on January 30, 2024
Hey We are thinking of a way to optimize our follow-up workflow for specific type of forms(the ones on demo pages). The thing is that we don't want to add every newly created "demo" form to the workflow trigger, as it happens quite often, and we mi read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 30, 2024
It's brilliant! Thanks a lot
akrus on January 05, 2024
Hey We have this built-in HubSpot feature for detecting possible duplicates, and it works well. The problem is that it's closed from the rest of the system's environment, meaning there is only one way of using it - going through the list of all dupl read more
January 08, 2024
Hi @karstenkoehler Got it Thanks a lot!
akrus on January 05, 2024
Hey We have this built-in HubSpot feature for detecting possible duplicates, and it works well. The problem is that it's closed from the rest of the system's environment, meaning there is only one way of using it - going through the list of all dupl read more
January 08, 2024
Hi @karstenkoehler Got it Thanks a lot!
akrus on April 03, 2023
Hey I want to copy the value of "First touch converting campaign"(which is the field created by HubSpot) property but NOT its internal value. (ex. Linkedin instead of 092acc99-cdf1-4ad5-a0bb-7b57cf3d9a2a ) Is there a way to do this with Set Proper read more
April 06, 2023
Oh, okay, and this is the only way to do it, right? Whenever we get a new value for the record, we should go here and add it to our code, yeah? Is more
akrus on April 03, 2023
Hey I want to copy the value of "First touch converting campaign"(which is the field created by HubSpot) property but NOT its internal value. (ex. Linkedin instead of 092acc99-cdf1-4ad5-a0bb-7b57cf3d9a2a ) Is there a way to do this with Set Proper read more
April 06, 2023
Oh, okay, and this is the only way to do it, right? Whenever we get a new value for the record, we should go here and add it to our code, yeah? Is more
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