
Member since ‎Feb 16, 2018
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MaayanSel on May 14, 2018
Hey, I understood that the cookie disclaimer on HS will only work on HS COS and I need one to cover my website as well. Is there a way to add the WordPress plugin on HS or the other way around? Thanks all!
0 upvote
10 Replies
June 27, 2018
You have to activate it in the settings. For the other cookies, I think we can't blame HubSpot. There are tools out there that cover everything. Don' more
MaayanSel on May 14, 2018
Hey, I understood that the cookie disclaimer on HS will only work on HS COS and I need one to cover my website as well. Is there a way to add the WordPress plugin on HS or the other way around? Thanks all!
0 upvote
10 Replies
June 27, 2018
You have to activate it in the settings. For the other cookies, I think we can't blame HubSpot. There are tools out there that cover everything. Don' more
emjbutler on May 18, 2018
The new "Notice and Consent / Legitimate Interest (GDPR)" field is great to have, but we need the ability to make it a dependent field of other contact fields, specifically of the "Country" field. We don't need GDPR consent from all contacts, so wh read more
20 Replies
May 22, 2018
@emjbutler Why not giving all visitors the data protection and privacy promise they deserve?
MaayanSel on May 14, 2018
Hey, I understood that the cookie disclaimer on HS will only work on HS COS and I need one to cover my website as well. Is there a way to add the WordPress plugin on HS or the other way around? Thanks all!
0 upvote
10 Replies
June 27, 2018
You have to activate it in the settings. For the other cookies, I think we can't blame HubSpot. There are tools out there that cover everything. Don' more
emjbutler on May 18, 2018
The new "Notice and Consent / Legitimate Interest (GDPR)" field is great to have, but we need the ability to make it a dependent field of other contact fields, specifically of the "Country" field. We don't need GDPR consent from all contacts, so wh read more
20 Replies
May 22, 2018
@emjbutler Why not giving all visitors the data protection and privacy promise they deserve?
HappyTaty on May 08, 2018
Hallo liebe Community, Ich werde oft nach einer Vorlage oder einem Beispiel für die Datenschutzerklärung gefragt. Leider darf ich hier von HubSpot keine Aussage oder Vorgaben machen. Ich weiss aber das die meisten von euch schon read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
May 14, 2018
Unsere auf im Footer - wahlweise Deutsch oder Englisch. Hinweis: Wir sind ein schweizerisches Unternehmen mit Kunden weltweit more
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