
Member since ‎Mar 31, 2023
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Damien Busch

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July 17, 2023
Oh yeah thanks !
July 17, 2023
I tried all the above solution but every time it seems contacts can't be re-enrolled. How did you manage to make it work ? Here is an example with " more
July 13, 2023
This is so bad in terms of data quality... Duplicating everything when it could just be inherited
DamienBouche on July 04, 2023
I have a use case where the sales manager is handling replies while his team members are on holiday. So we are force to give him Super Admin rights so he can log in. But then he has Super Admin rights which is a problem. I think there is value in read more
DamienBouche on June 29, 2023
Something I had find useful while using Salesforce but I still think is missing in Hubspot is the ability to display company properties on a deal or a contact and as mandatory field when a deal change stage. When you think about it, a lot of qua read more
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DamienBouche on June 28, 2023
In order to forecast revenue, I would like to see line item related income on a timeline. It's weird that you can select one-time / monthly / annual line item but you can't really see that from a revenue perspective. Example : I have this deal read more
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