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Dhika Democrat

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dhika on April 22, 2024
There have been many forum posts about how limited the parent-children association feature is in HubSpot. To name a few: Activities rolled up from child to parent Listing of children companies info on a parent Consolidated reporting of a pa Beitrag ansehen
KPruett on Februar 09, 2023
Currently, views/lists can be created for a set object type and customization/clone options only exist for the object that the view/list was created for. It would be very efficient if we could convert a view/list of one object to another. For exampl Beitrag ansehen
März 13, 2024
Agreed! We have several lists that use similar filters and it's a hassle if I have to clone them all one by one and change the filters there
DarrenScottUK on Oktober 12, 2019
It would be helpful if you could bulk assign contacts to a company record rather than manually assigning each one. i.e. if you have 1000 contacts with @hotmail these wont be assigned to the correct company. We currently havee to manually go through Beitrag ansehen
23 Antworten
August 17, 2023
Agree with this post. Due to how our companies are structured (multiple entities within one company) auto association using email domain isn't an opt...Beitrag ansehen
dhika on März 22, 2022
Would be great if within the list tool, especially active lists, that we have a filter to capture any contact who has ever interacted with our certain campaign assets. The goal here is to be able to slice and dice the information captured via th Beitrag ansehen
karstenkoehler on März 14, 2022
Hi there! At the moment, there isn't any option to exclude employee activity from counting towards forms analytics, marketing email analytics or campaign analytics. For the general web analytics this can be done by excluding IP address Beitrag ansehen
März 22, 2022
This is indeed long overdue. I remember having a conversation with the Support team 2 years ago for this feature. Technically, you can create dummies...Beitrag ansehen
RyanBarbour on April 27, 2017
When using a summary report, would be great to have some sorting options so you could sort by biggest/smallest value or sort by alphabetical order.
Juni 22, 2021
I agree. Now that all cross object reporting has been migrated to custom reporting, when using a horizontal bar char, I can no longer see the option ...Beitrag ansehen
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