
Member since ‎Mar 30, 2023
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Connor Blake

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CBlake3 on June 28, 2023
Has anyone had an issue with their Gmail not being able to find records to log an email against? The inbox has been connected properly, and user permissions are not an issue. Log and Track are options, but no records are found to connect the read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
June 29, 2023
Hi Pam, I don't know exactly when it stopped working but it has been some time. He can select all the types of association he wants to make, but more
CBlake3 on June 28, 2023
Has anyone had an issue with their Gmail not being able to find records to log an email against? The inbox has been connected properly, and user permissions are not an issue. Log and Track are options, but no records are found to connect the read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
June 29, 2023
Hi Pam, I don't know exactly when it stopped working but it has been some time. He can select all the types of association he wants to make, but more
CBlake3 on June 28, 2023
Is there a way to prevent HubSpot from creating contacts based on an email domain? We want to continue to have our emails logged, we just don't want our employees to have a Contact record created for them.
0 upvote
9 Replies
June 28, 2023
Hi @karstenkoehler Thanks for explaining, it seems our requirements are at odds with the CRM logic. We'll have to find an alternative more
CBlake3 on June 28, 2023
Is there a way to prevent HubSpot from creating contacts based on an email domain? We want to continue to have our emails logged, we just don't want our employees to have a Contact record created for them.
0 upvote
9 Replies
June 28, 2023
Hi @karstenkoehler Thanks for explaining, it seems our requirements are at odds with the CRM logic. We'll have to find an alternative more
CBlake3 on June 28, 2023
Is there a way to prevent HubSpot from creating contacts based on an email domain? We want to continue to have our emails logged, we just don't want our employees to have a Contact record created for them.
0 upvote
9 Replies
June 28, 2023
Hi @karstenkoehler Thanks for explaining, it seems our requirements are at odds with the CRM logic. We'll have to find an alternative more
CBlake3 on June 28, 2023
Is there a way to prevent HubSpot from creating contacts based on an email domain? We want to continue to have our emails logged, we just don't want our employees to have a Contact record created for them.
0 upvote
9 Replies
June 28, 2023
Hi @karstenkoehler Thanks for explaining, it seems our requirements are at odds with the CRM logic. We'll have to find an alternative more
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