
HubSpot Employee
Miembro desde ‎feb 13, 2018
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Gyasi Slaughter

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gaslaughter en Julio 15, 2021
When customizing the layout of deal records, it would be great if there was an option to edit the "Deal record left sidebar" to show the associated tasks or the most recent task associated with that record. This would allow my team to see the associ Leer más
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4 Respuestas
gaslaughter en Junio 24, 2021
It would be useful for HubSpot to track data from review sites like Trustpilot, Google reviews, BBB, Yelp, etc. (similar to reporting available with HubSpot's social media tools )
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NGC-224 en May 29, 2018
When I tried to send an email today I got an error: inbox disconnected. I did not disconnect my inbox. So I clicked reconnect, entered password and email address, and got another error: "Unauthorized" I tried both the Hubspot passwor Leer más
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3 Respuestas
HubSpot Employee
May 29, 2018
Glad to hear you were able to make the connection! - Gyasi
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