
Member since ‎Feb 7, 2018
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Mike Urquhart

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Yazz on February 07, 2018
We just switched over to Office 365 and the Sales Tools Add-In does not allow for settings as did the Sidekick Add-In. So, if we want to 'awlays' log/track e-mails, I cannot do so with Sales Tools. The tool also does not auto open when you write an read more
March 26, 2018
Outlook sidebar will not pin in place. This means to make use of it you have to click on the Sales tool in the tool bar every single time you click more
prozakis on January 22, 2017
After we installed the email tracking plugin in Outlook 2016, the outlook app for desktop takes ages to load a new mail screen, or even worse to load the reply or forward screen. We uninstalled plugin and office and and re-installed. No differen read more
February 08, 2018
Also tried Sidekick version of Hubspot Outlook connection (Windows tray app) - it looks great but unfortunately kills Outlook - major delays when more
prozakis on January 22, 2017
After we installed the email tracking plugin in Outlook 2016, the outlook app for desktop takes ages to load a new mail screen, or even worse to load the reply or forward screen. We uninstalled plugin and office and and re-installed. No differen read more
February 08, 2018
Also tried Sidekick version of Hubspot Outlook connection (Windows tray app) - it looks great but unfortunately kills Outlook - major delays when more
prozakis on January 22, 2017
After we installed the email tracking plugin in Outlook 2016, the outlook app for desktop takes ages to load a new mail screen, or even worse to load the reply or forward screen. We uninstalled plugin and office and and re-installed. No differen read more
February 08, 2018
Also tried Sidekick version of Hubspot Outlook connection (Windows tray app) - it looks great but unfortunately kills Outlook - major delays when more
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