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Viny Oliveira Machado

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vinyoliver on Mai 02, 2023
Hey there, I just noticed that the hubspotClient . crm . deals . searchApi . doSearch is expecting the after property to be a number. Although, the after property returned by the API itself is a string. You can check out the API Beitrag ansehen
enorberg on März 17, 2023
Hi! We are automatically creating renewal deals for all of our customers and assign it to the company owner. Whenever the customer changes owner (for example, if the team member leaves) we want to reassign the deals automatically to the same owner, Beitrag ansehen
April 18, 2023
I'm having the same issue... Have you figured this out?
vinyoliver on April 17, 2023
We're migrating from our old Hubspot account to a new one. I was able to export/import most of the data from contacts, companies, and deals. However, I just realized the "Activities" data was not migrated. Is there a way for me to export this d Beitrag ansehen
vinyoliver on April 13, 2023
Hey guys, We'd like to have a single owner for contact, company, and deal. So whenever the owner of one of them is updated, we should reflect the change in the others records associated with it. Eg. If I change the owner of a deal from Michel Beitrag ansehen
April 14, 2023
I've managed to achieve the desired outcome. Looks like the secret lies in the re-enrollment enabled Although, I had to keep one workflow for e...Beitrag ansehen
vinyoliver on April 13, 2023
Hey guys, We'd like to have a single owner for contact, company, and deal. So whenever the owner of one of them is updated, we should reflect the change in the others records associated with it. Eg. If I change the owner of a deal from Michel Beitrag ansehen
April 14, 2023
I've managed to achieve the desired outcome. Looks like the secret lies in the re-enrollment enabled Although, I had to keep one workflow for e...Beitrag ansehen
vinyoliver on April 13, 2023
Hey guys, We'd like to have a single owner for contact, company, and deal. So whenever the owner of one of them is updated, we should reflect the change in the others records associated with it. Eg. If I change the owner of a deal from Michel Beitrag ansehen
April 14, 2023
I've managed to achieve the desired outcome. Looks like the secret lies in the re-enrollment enabled Although, I had to keep one workflow for e...Beitrag ansehen
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